Find Your Zen with Jen

Discover your potential with individualized coaching sessions focusing on mastering your life goals, your relationships, and yourself.

Book a Free ConsultationBooking for Existing Clients
"Thank you, you brought me so much light at my darkest moment. Now I am taking charge of my life and looking forward."
-S. Oliphant

What will coaching help me achieve?

stronger relationships

Stronger Relationships

Healthy relationships are the key to a rewarding life. Explore what it means to connect with the ones you love and the people who surround you
greater self confidence

Greater Self-Confidence

Too often, doubting our own skills allows problems to persist. Learn to trust your abilities and allow your light to shine
improved business results

Improved Business Results

With over 18 years of successful business experience, Coach JLO knows what it takes to develop the skills necessary to excel in your field
inner peace

Inner Peace

By learning to control your impulses, emotions, and fears, you can embark upon a journey towards achieving that ultimate Zen advantange

Jenny L. O’Neil a.k.a. Coach JLO

Certified Life Coach, Certified Solutions-Focused Coach, Writer, Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, and Author

As an empath and natural motivator with 7 years coaching experience, Coach
JLO’s approach is unique to each client. She knows all growth begins with
self! Having overcome many of her own personal and professional challenges,
she understands and connects with her clients on a deep level.
“I’m so glad that you’re here, and I hope to have an opportunity to help you in your journey towards finding your ZEN!”
Jenny's Story
jenny o'neil

Too Nice

The People Pleaser Guide to Standing Up for Yourself

Arriving November, 2021

Find out what it means to be a people pleaser and learn the fine art of changing that conditioning.
Buy It Now

Choose Your Path

results coaching

Results Coaching

Identify blocks and challenges preventing you from attaining your goals. Develop an action plan to overcome obstacles and achieve success!
relationship coaching

Relationship Coaching

Clarify relationship issues, gain perspective, and find fulfillment in your
life path coaching

Life Path Coaching

Discover what ignites you, find your passion, and align with your purpose. Get
on the path to realize your dreams!

”Action is the foundational key to all success.”
-Pablo Picasso

Learn About Coaching Services

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a professional who works in partnership with you to identify and achieve your personal goals, by developing skills and attitudes that lead to self-empowerment.

Who would need to hire a coach?

People from all walks of life find coaching useful. Anyone who is interested in improving their relationships, career, or day-to-day life will benefit from one-on-one coaching.

What is the difference between a Coach and a Therapist?

The main difference between a life coach and a therapist is that a life coach works with clients to identify obstacles and develop skills that empower them to eventually coach themselves. Coaching of this kind focuses on setting and achieving defined goals.

Therapists are licensed mental health professionals who work with clients to delve into deeply
rooted issues that negatively impact their lives.

How many coaching sessions will I need?

Each client and situation are unique. Coach JLO will discuss your individual needs with you and make recommendations during your initial consultation. You will work together to plan the best path for moving forward.

What if I don’t know what type of coaching I need?

You are not alone. Often, clients just feel stuck or unhappy but can’t put their finger on why. Coach JLO doesn’t believe in scripts, or a one size fits all approach. Each client is an individual and the coaching approach will be personalized based on the conversation during the initial consultation. Coaching methods shift in response to evolving needs.

Will coaching help me?

What you get out of coaching equates to what you put into it. In order to be successful, you must be honest about where you are and where you want to go. Personal growth requires determination and openness to change. The responsibility for success is yours. Remember the adage about the horse? Your coach can lead you to water but can’t force you to drink!
"Working with you was a great decision. Your energy, professionalism and kind personality made it easy to open up."
-P. Zelph
"This has been life changing made me realize that I’ve been stuck in my relationship. Like I just threw myself into a jail and turned my sky into a ceiling."
-T. Clark
"I Found Jenny to be Focused, Knowledgeable, committed, and responsive. I am pleased to recommend her because I believe that she will be an asset to any organization or individual seeking her service."
-M. McKeeman

Embark on your personal journey today!

Coach JLO happily offers a complimentary session for anyone who wishes to move beyond their fears and embark on an exploration of what it means to be successful, secure, and satisfied with their life.
Book a Free Consultation



February 11, 2022
Regardless of how compatible or in love we are, it is important to realize that we don’t all deal with our emotions in the same way.  While some of us may openly accept and express feelings; others may choose to deal - by simply not dealing at all! Their initial reaction might be to step […]
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The Cost Of Conflict Avoidance

December 14, 2021
Let's face it, we all do it, bite our tongues to keep the peace! It's like little white lies - we've all told a few over our lifetime!  BUT if you're continuously suppressing your feelings, desires, or opinions to avoid conflict in a relationship...  It's only a matter of time before you implode or explode!  […]
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Love Is Unconditional - Relationships Are Not

December 14, 2021
To some, this statement may seem "oxymoronic"... If you love someone unconditionally, how can you have conditional relationships?  The simple answer is because they're separate things. When you love someone unconditionally, your feelings are based on them as an individual—a singular person. So, you accept them for who they are, without condition or expectation.  Unconditional […]
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