What is a life coach?
A life coach is a professional who works in partnership with you to identify and achieve your personal goals, by developing skills and attitudes that lead to self-empowerment.
Who would need to hire a coach?
People from all walks of life find coaching useful. Anyone who is interested in improving their relationships, career, or day-to-day life will benefit from one-on-one coaching.
What is the difference between a Coach and a Therapist?
The main difference between a life coach and a therapist is that a life coach works with clients to identify obstacles and develop skills that empower them to eventually coach themselves. Coaching of this kind focuses on setting and achieving defined goals.
Therapists are licensed mental health professionals who work with clients to delve into deeply
rooted issues that negatively impact their lives.
How many coaching sessions will I need?
Each client and situation are unique. Coach JLO will discuss your individual needs with you and make recommendations during your initial consultation. You will work together to plan the best path for moving forward.
What if I don’t know what type of coaching I need?
You are not alone. Often, clients just feel stuck or unhappy but can’t put their finger on why. Coach JLO doesn’t believe in scripts, or a one size fits all approach. Each client is an individual and the coaching approach will be personalized based on the conversation during the initial consultation. Coaching methods shift in response to evolving needs.
Will coaching help me?
What you get out of coaching equates to what you put into it. In order to be successful, you must be honest about where you are and where you want to go. Personal growth requires determination and openness to change. The responsibility for success is yours. Remember the adage about the horse? Your coach can lead you to water but can’t force you to drink!